Women's Purple Manmade Emmeeyy 4-inch Lace-up Heel with Sueded Pointed Toe

Women's Purple Manmade Emmeeyy 4-inch Lace-up Heel with Sueded Pointed Toe


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In conquering the static regularity of geometric design, Frank Lloyd Wright created the Guggenheim—a spirited building whose architecture is as relevant now as it was 56 years ago. Much the same, the Emmeeyy conquers the static regularity of a gladiator shoe by combining a sleek stiletto heel with the gentle slope of a continuous free-flowing spiral design to create a spirited sandal whose architecture will be as relevant in five or size years as is it is now. Wear the Emmeey to dinner, to a party, or to the Guggenheim, in fuschia, purple, black or royal blue, sizes 5 to 11. 

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